Friday, October 25, 2019

Elevator pitch 2


  1. Hi Nicholas,
    I think you've identified a great opportunity. It was great to hear about it in your second elevator pitch. I think you make a good point in that it's difficult for the average person to connect anatomy and optimal training. I think you did a good job listening to the feedback your received on your last pitch, and adjusted this one appropriately.

  2. Hi Nick, the one thing I noticed was that the volume was a little low even though my computer volume was the loudest possible. Your speed was very good! It was easy to follow because you did not overwhelm the audience with information. I think you could also potentially change the height of the camera, I had that problem my first time, and stacked my computer with books underneath it. Good job!

  3. Hi nick, I think the way you dressed in your video was professional and stood out. It was interesting being able to understand your vision and I followed it to a T. Although the words you were saying in your video were great, I had a hard time hearing you due to the volume. I listened to your last video and think you fixed everything and followed your feedback very well. I am impressed. Great job and thank you for sharing!

  4. Hey Nick,
    I think the professionalism and presentation of your pitch was executed very well. You can tell that you are invested and dedicated to your idea and I think that you did a great job of maintaining interest in the audience about your topic. You were able to address the feedback from your last pitch successfully and I think you really made your second pitch an improvement.

  5. Hey Nick, I enjoyed watching your video. It was very informative, captivating, and clear. Your presentation was very well executed. Although the volume was a bit low, I believe you did a great job!
